Mini-Implants Course
Ready for the Challenge?
On-site Intensive course
MODALITY: On Site Theoretical-Practical course with the option of hands-on with real patient
Dr. Won. Moon, Dr. Ramón. Mompell and Dr. Jose Luis Mompell as invited surgeon
- Intensive course: November 20-23, 2024
- Real patients hands-on (optional):
25 November, 2025
English and spanish. /
There will be Simultaneous English-Spanish Translation
- Intensive course: Madrid, España.
- Real patients hands-on (optional): Drs. Mompell Clinic in Madrid, Spain.
Wednesday Nov 20, 2022: 10am - 6pm
Thursday; Nov 21, 2022: 10am - 6pm
Friday: Nov 22 2022: 10am - 6pm
Saturday: Nov 23, 2022: 10am - 6pm
Option 1
- Theoretical & Biomodel Hands-on
€ 3.990 antes del 31 de Agosto
€ 4.450 antes del 15 de octubre
€ 4.990 antes del 20 de Noviembre
Places available
Option 2
- Theoretical and Biomodel Hands-on
& Real patient hands-on
€ 5.580 antes del 31 de Agosto
€ 6.280 antes del 15 de octubre
€ 6.980 antes del 20 de Noviembre
Places available
It is a requirement to attend the intensive week to be able to assist in real patients
- I. General considerations with the use of Mini-Implants
- II. Clinical applications and biomechanics adapted to the use of microimplants (MI)
- III. Intraradicular vs. interradicular microscrews
- IV. Sagittal Corrections problems
- V. Vertical Correction problems
- VI. Correction of sagittal problems in combination with vertical problems
- VII. Asymmetry correction
- VIII. Correction of transversal problems (MARPE-MSE) (PART A)
- IX. Correction of Transversal problems (MARPE-MSE) (PART B)
- X. Biomechanics for sagittal and vertical corrections after the use of MARPE-MSE
- XI. Mini-implants in combination with Aligners
- XII. Update in digital dentistry
- XIII. Other contents
- PRACTICAL WORKSHOP 1: INTERRADICULAR Mini-Implants (InfraZygomatic Crest and Mandibular Shelf)
- Hands-on with patients in Madrid supervised by Dr. Ramón Mompell and Dr. Jose Luis Mompell in their clinic
- I. General considerations with the use of Mini-Implants
- II. Clinical applications and biomechanics adapted to the use of microimplants (MI)
- III. Intraradicular vs. interradicular microscrews
- IV. Sagittal Corrections problems
- V. Vertical Correction problems
- VI. Correction of sagittal problems in combination with vertical problems
- VII. Asymmetry correction
- VIII. Correction of transversal problems (MARPE-MSE) (PART A)
- IX. Correction of Transversal problems (MARPE-MSE) (PART B)
- X. Biomechanics for sagittal and vertical corrections after the use of MARPE-MSE
- XI. Mini-implants in combination with Aligners
- XII. Update in digital dentistry
- XIII. Other contents
- PRACTICAL WORKSHOP 1: INTERRADICULAR Mini-Implants (InfraZygomatic Crest and Mandibular Shelf)
- Hands-on with patients in Madrid supervised by Dr. Ramón Mompell and Dr. Jose Luis Mompell in their clinic
- Interradicular MI placement in the infrazygomatic crest on biomodels
- Interradicular MI placement on the mandibular shelf on biomodels
- Interradicular MI placement in the PV zone on biomodels
- Study and presentation of the different micro-implants available on the market.
- Placement of various types of intraradicular MI in different anatomical areas:
- a. On biomodel with real consistency of soft and hard tissues.
- b. On lamb’s jaw
Placement of MARPE-MSE
- Design of the Maxillary Skeletal Expander (MSE) on a biomodel with real consistency of soft and hard tissues
- Placement of the Maxillary Skeletal Expander (MSE) on a biomodel with real soft and hard tissue consistency.
- Cementation of the MSE, Placement of the mini-implants of the MSE with wrench and manual screwdriver and removal of the MSE.
- Presentation of mini-implants and mini-plates from different distributors.
- Real skull study of the movement of the maxillary bones and circummaxillary structures after maxillary expansion and protraction on an articulable biomodel.
- Live design and planning with the digital MSE laboratory.
- Direct design of guided splints for the placement of Microimplants
- Hands-on by the student in patients of Dr. Ramón Mompell or their own patients. Placement of MSE / Mini-Implants / Mini-Plates.
– Program Director, Post-Doctoral Orthodontic Program, Section Orthodontics, UCLA
– Director, International Affairs, UCLA School of Dentistry, Section of Orthodontics.
– Program Director, Combined Pediatric/Orthodontic Programs, UCLA School of Dentistry, 2004-2010
– Program Director for Southern Region, Pacific Coast Society of Orthodontists (PCSO), 2005-2007
– Reviewer, the Angle Orthodontist, since 2012
– Reviewer, Dental Press Journal of Orthodontics, since 2012
– Harvard School of Dental Medici- ne, D.M.D., 1989
– University of California, Irvine, BS in Mathematics, 1984
Dr. Won Moon
- Program Director, Post-Doctoral Orthodontic Program, Section Orthodontics, UCLA
- Director, International Affairs, UCLA School of Dentistry, Section of Orthodontics.
- Program Director, Combined Pediatric/Orthodontic Programs, UCLA School of Dentistry, 2004-2010
- Program Director for Southern Region, Pacific Coast Society of Orthodontists (PCSO), 2005-2007
- Reviewer, the Angle Orthodontist, since 2012
- Reviewer, Dental Press Journal of Orthodontics, since 2012
- Harvard School of Dental Medici- ne, D.M.D., 1989
- University of California, Irvine, BS in Mathematics, 1984
Orthodontics. University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA)
Hospital. Madrid.
Dr. R. Mompell
- Active member of the research team in the Craniofacial Growth and Development Division. Dep.
Orthodontics. University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) - Professor at the University of Ajou, Seoul, Korea.
- Professor at the University of Coimbra, Portugal.
- Master’s Degree in Orthodontics and Craniofacial Orthopedics. Jiménez Díaz Foundation Hospital. Madrid.
- Clinical residence, Department of Orthodontics, University of Sao Paulo (USP), Brazil.
- Invisalign Diamond II
– Degree in Dentistry. Universidad Complutense de Madrid
– Master’s Degree in Oral Surgery. University of Alcalá. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Service
Prince of Asturias Hospital.
– President of the International Association of Aerospace Dentistry
– Master Professor of Surgery at the Rey Juan Carlos University
– Collaborator Master of Implantology Surgery, Prosthesis and Periimplantology UAX.
– Master Professor Oral Surgery University of Alcala Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Service
Príncipe de Asturias Hospital 2011-2016.
Dr. JL. Mompell
- Degree in Dentistry. Universidad Complutense de Madrid
- Master’s Degree in Oral Surgery. University of Alcalá. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Service Prince of Asturias Hospital.
- President of the International Association of Aerospace Dentistry
- Master Professor of Surgery at the Rey Juan Carlos University
- Collaborator Master of Implantology Surgery, Prosthesis and Periimplantology UAX.
- Master Professor Oral Surgery University of Alcala Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Service Príncipe de Asturias Hospital 2011-2016.
- Program Director, Post-Doctoral Orthodontic Program, Section Orthodontics, UCLA
- Director, International Affairs, UCLA School of Dentistry, Section of Orthodontics.
- Program Director, Combined Pediatric/Orthodontic Programs, UCLA School of Dentistry, 2004-2010
- Program Director for Southern Region, Pacific Coast Society of Orthodontists (PCSO), 2005-2007
- Reviewer, the Angle Orthodontist, since 2012
- Reviewer, Dental Press Journal of Orthodontics, since 2012
- Harvard School of Dental Medici- ne, D.M.D., 1989
- University of California, Irvine, BS in Mathematics, 1984
For the realization of the Hands-On will use the biomodel designed by Dr. Mompell exclusively for this course. Thanks to this biomodel you can:
1. Analyze the real consistency of hard and soft tissues.
2. Study the different anatomical structures.
3. Place the MSE and disarticulate the model.
4. Place different micro-screws and mini-plates.
5. The model is totally radiographic to evaluate tooth structures after MI placement.
The three speakers are professors and regular collaborators of the University so they share a
similar work philosophy with both fixed appliances and aligners.
The combination of theory with hands-on in each section allows the participant to assimilate the
concepts and put them into practice.
If after the course you feel that you still need some help in your first cases, Dr. Mompell gives the
opportunity to assist you clinically in your first cases.
The main objective of the course is that the
participant knows the biomechanics to use with the mini-implants and help him to include it in his
clinic in a safe and reliable way.
To enroll in the advanced course of Mini Implants, you must fill out the form with your data in the
Registration area and the following process will begin.
- Complete the Registration form
- You will receive an email with the confirmation of your registration
- Proceed to the payment in the DENTALGRAM FORMACIÓN:
IBAN account number: ES02 2038 1109 3860 0080 6095
BANCO: BANKIA - Send proof of payment to
Once the registration process is completed, you will obtain all the data to make the first payment.
Payment by Bank Transfer.
- Option 1: Theoretical & Hands-on: Reservation of your place. (1990 €) / Second payment (1500 €) / Third Payment (1500 €)
- Option 2: Theoretical & Hands-on & REAL PATIENTS: Reservation of your place. (1990 €) / Second payment (1500 €) / Third Payment (3490 €)
Clinical observation consists of receiving clinical help from Dr. Mompell in the installation of miniimplants, placement of the MARPE (MSE). The patient is provided by the student or by Dr. Mompell.
The procedure will be carried out at Dr. Mompell’s clinic in Madrid. The date will be agreed between Dr. Mompell and the student.
All the materials of practices are included the price. This includes an MSE for its installation with 4 mini-implants and all the material for its installation, biomodels of real consistency, animal models and different mini-implants and miniplates from different companies.
Meals and coffee breaks are included on the days of course in Madrid.
To guarantee a place in the course you must make at least the payment of the reservation (1990€)
If you do not opt for a single payment, the remaining amount may be paid in one or two additional payments.
*** The entire course must be paid before the beginning of the course.
– Title awarded by the Dentalgram Training Center
NOT included in the price neither flights nor accommodation in any of the options.
Materials for Clinical residency are not included.
All the companies that participate in the course will make an exclusive offer for the course participants in mini-implants and mini-plates.
The course will have many hours of hands-on.
You will learn to place mini-implants in the different anatomical areas in the biomodel, both in the maxilla and mandible.
Mini-implants can be placed in different bone densities to know the different resistances to the different models of mini-implants.
It will be planned, prepare and install a Maxillar Skeletal Expander (MSE) in the biomodel in order to gain enough confidence and be able to transfer what has been learned to the clinic.
Anyone who wishes it can receive clinical assistance from Dr. Mompell in their own patients selecting option 2.
The course will be held in the center of Madrid, therefore any accommodation in the center of Madrid would be recommended.